• I brushed my teeth today for the first time in years.

    Patient Testimonial
  • I can eat the food I love again without setting off a pain attack.

    Patient Testimonial
  • I’m no longer taking pain meds.

    Patient Testimonial
  • I am able to sleep in my bed instead of the recliner.

    Patient Testimonial
  • I can touch my face!

    Patient Testimonial
  • I was at the beach with the wind in my face.

    Patient Testimonial
  • I can say my letters B and P without pain.

    Patient Testimonial
  • I can talk so much better now.

    Patient Testimonial
  • I can wash my face with a cloth again.

    Patient Testimonial
  • I was able to stop taking the drugs that make me feel like a Zombie.

    Patient Testimonial
  • My family is so happy to see me smiling again.

    Patient Testimonial
  • Life is worth living again!

    Patient Testimonial

We Understand Trigeminal Neuralgia

At Carmen Care, we understand your pain. In 2010, Lee Carmen was diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia. Out of the blue, her pain started in one tooth, moved to her bottom teeth, and then escalated to constant head pain and daily shocks. She sought the advice of numerous dentists and physicians, yet none could identify the problem. Months later, in the ER she finally received a diagnosis for this horrific pain: Trigeminal Neuralgia. Lee’s Mom, Leslie, started researching and found that laser therapy had been successfully used to reduce pain, and Lee went for treatments. After she became practically pain free, Lee and Leslie opened their own clinic in Boca Raton Florida, and have since helped hundreds of people with Trigeminal Neuralgia and other types of pain. Lee is still working full force in the clinic and enjoying her biggest passion: playing ice hockey!


What Do We Do and Why Do We Do it?

With today’s alternative medicine many people are searching for an outlook in receiving help outside of mainstream medicine. There are increasing natural alternatives when seeking medical help though we’ve found Laser Therapy to be most effective. Not only may Laser Therapy relieve the pain, but we’ve also found it to possibly stimulate the body’s natural healing process.

We believe that toxins consumed through food and our environment have slowed down the process of our bodies enabling us to heal at a normal pace. Through a very simple and easy process called Laser Energetic Detoxification (L.E.D), many of these toxins and viruses can be safely reduced or removed, allowing the Laser Therapy to work more efficiently.

Stress and trapped emotions can often increase pain and can manifest in disease. Continuously thinking negatively can become your base belief. Through a very fast and easy process called PSYCH-K®, the subconscious beliefs can be reprogrammed so that stress, fear and trapped emotions are released.

We have combined these three therapies together. We address the Trauma to the cells with laser therapy, the Toxins which slow down your cells’ energy, and we address the Thoughts that impact your beliefs. We named this program the T3 Paradigm™. When we address all three aspects of cell inflammation, we see an increased healing potential for those suffering from terrible and severe pain.

Does It Work?

View our testimonials and videos to see for yourself. In Buzzfeed’s As/Is series, Lara and Kelsey visited Carmen Care Laser in December 2017. Watch all three videos to follow their struggle with chronic pain.


Do I Qualify

  • Have you been cleared of having a brain tumor?
  • Have you had an MRI to rule out nerve compression?
  • Have you been told you are not a candidate for MVD surgery?
  • Have you been cleared of having Chiari malformation?

If you answer YES to ALL questions, then you qualify for our program.

(If you answer No to any of the above questions, we will gladly talk to you and/or your physician, as every case is different, and we could still help relieve some of the pain.)

Get your free online consult today with Carmen Care Laser