Pharmacy services from your fingertips.

Did you know that a pharmacist can make a big difference in your healthcare?

Drug Information Review

Learn what medications you are taking and how to best take them. Get a drug information reveiew to check for side effects of all the medications and supplements you are taking to ensure you are getting the best treatment possible.

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Flu Shots

Flu is a viral infection that can cause fever, body aches, cough and other symptoms. Flu tends to be seasonal and can be prevented through good hygiene, hand washing and a yearly flu shot (the best time being September or October).

Talk to a pharmacist today about getting a flu shot.

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Diabetes Education

Diabetes is a disease that disrupts the way your body reacts to sugar. If left untreated, diabetes can pose a severe threat to your health. Symptoms include increased hunger and thirst, fatigue, weight loss and blurry vision. Diabetes can be managed through medications such as Metformin and lifestyle changes.

Talk to a pharmacist about diabetes.

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Shingles Vaccine

Shingles is a painful rash and blisters caused by the herpes zoster virus. Symptoms include a sensitive, painful skin, headache, fatigue and weakness, chills and an itchy rash or blisters. Shingles is most common in those older than 50. Fortunately a vaccine is avialable to protect yourself from the painful condition.

Discuss the shingles vaccine with a pharmacist today.

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Travel Vaccines

If you plan on travelling to another country for work, vaction or immigration, you must make sure you have the required vaccines before you leave to make sure you are protected against viruses and diseases prevalent in other countries. The types of vaccines you need depend on the country you are visiting.

Consult with a pharmacist to see which travel vaccines you need.

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Hypertension Medication Optimization

Hypertension is high blood pressure in the body. Your blood pressure is the force of your blood moving against the walls of your arteries. Hypertension causes your blood pressure to get so high that your heart has to work much harder than normal. This can damage your heart if left untreated.

Discuss with a pharmacist the lifestyle changes andmedicines that can help bring your blood pressure to normal.

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Pain Management

There are two types of pain: chronic and acute. Chronic is long-lasting pain that tends to worsen over time. Acute pain starts suddenly and sharply and tends to last only a short time. Pain interferes with our daily lives and can make even the most simple tasks unbearable. Learn what treatment options are availabe to make sure you get effective and safe pain management.

Talk to a pharmacist today about your pain managment options.

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Smoking Cessation

In 2018, 34.2 million people in the United States said that they smoked cigarettes and 55.1% of adult smokers said that they made an attempt to quit smoking in the past year. Smoking can increase the risk for heart disease and lung cancer but can be reduced as soon as 1 year after you quit smoking. There are many methods and resources of quitting smoking as well as medications. Nicotine replacements can be used to ease off cigaretts.

Consult with a pharmacist to see what options and support services are avialable to start your journey today.

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Asthma Education

Asthma is a lung disease that makes breathing difficult and can create life-threatening sitatuions if left untreated or if treatment is unavailable. Asthma is caused by an inflammation of the lungs in reaction to certain condtions or subastances. Coughin, wheeizing, shortness of breath and tighening of the chest are the main symptoms of asthma. During an asthma attack, it is important to have the appropriate treatment avialable to resume normal breathing.

Discuss astham treatment and management with a pharmacist today.

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Nutrition Guidance

Guid nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is one of the best ways to increase you overrall wellbeing, happiness, lifespan and prevention and recovery to illnesses and injuries. There are many ways to better your nutrition, whether through diet and lifestyle changes as well correct medications and supplements. Since there are so many factors in good nutrition and lifestyle, it can be confusing to know where to start.

Talk to a pharmacist today about how you can better your nutrition and wellbeing.

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Compression Hose

Your doctor may have you wear a sequential compression device on your legs. This helps keep your blood moving and lowers your chance for a blood clot. A blood clot found in a deep vein inside your leg is a deep vein thrombosis or venous thromboembolism which can travel to other parts of your body and cause serious problems, even death.

Discuss which compression hose is right for you with a pharmacist today.

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How it works


Step 1: Select your condition and pharmacy. You will then go to the marketplace to select a provider.


Step 2: Select a provider licensed in your state to purchase a secure messaging visit or video vist with1.


Step 3: Fill out all the required information to set up your account and fill out the health intake review for your provider.


Step 4: Complete your eVisit with your provider on the AZOVA app within 48 hours of the time of purchase.


If indicated, your provider will send a prescription to a PierceRx member pharmacy. You can pick up in store or get your medicine delivered right to your door.