Understand your
First To Know®
syphilis test results and see a doctor online
Confidential testing and treatment for syphilis from the comfort of home.

Select the result of your First To Know® syphilis test
Who should get treatment for syphilis?
If you have symptoms of syphilis (even if your First To Know® syphilis test is negative).
If you have been exposed to someone who has syphilis even if your First To Know® Test is negative.
If you have a positive syphilis test and you have not been treated for syphilis.
Here is the lab testing needed to get a full syphilis diagnosis
The First To Know® test checks for a type of antibody called ‘treponemal antibodies’. A positive First To Know® syphilis test result means that you have antibodies that may indicate a current syphilis infection OR a past syphilis infection. To start treatment for syphilis, we also need to check ‘non-treponemal’ antibody titers so your healthcare provider can track your response to treatment.
Order the syphilis confirmatory test
We’ll order the testing you need to get a full diagnosis. Get a telehealth visit to get treatment and ongoing care.
Testing for both Non-treponemal antibody titers and Treponemal antibody levels are needed to diagnose and treat syphilis.
Full STI Screening is also recommended at the same time to detect any associated STIs.
First, the lab will run this test:
Non-Treponemal Antibody Test
with Titers
Positive when you have syphilis and with
Individuals with the following conditions can have a false positive syphilis non-treponemal antibody test:
For this reason, it is important that we check your treponemal antibodies at the same time. If BOTH tests are negative and you are still concerned that you may have syphilis, repeat both tests in one month.
We’ll also check your antibody titers (the number of antibodies) if this test is positive. The titer numbers are tracked to make sure they go down after treatment. This number serves as your baseline before treatment and is retested and tracked over time.
If Non-treponemal antibodies are detected,
the lab will run this test:
Treponemal Antibody Test
Positive when you have an active infection AND if you’ve had an infection in the past. These antibodies are usually positive for life. The laboratory will run this test only if your non-treponemal antibodies are positive. If both tests are negative and you have symptoms or have had sex with someone who has been diagnosed with syphilis in the last 90 days, you should get treatment now.
The Comprehensive Sexual Health Ten Test Panel
This test screens for ten additional STIs that are associated with syphilis at the same time.
Tests for 10 other STIs at the same time.
Designed to be completed along with the in laboratory syphilis confirmation test. We’ll check for the following:

You can order lab testing first and then schedule a telehealth visit for results and management, or you can see a provider on AZOVA first to determine the right tests for you.

What is the treatment for Syphilis?
For people who are not allergic to Penicillin
- Benzathine Penicillin G: This is the treatment of choice for the earlier stages of syphilis. The number of doses that you need depends on how long you have been infected and what your symptoms are.
For people who are allergic to Penicillin
- Doxycycline: This antibiotic can be used only if you are not allergic to penicillin. Treatment outcomes are better when treated with penicillin.
- Tetracycline: This antibiotic can be used if you are allergic to penicillin.
- Ceftriaxone: This antibiotic is used by patients who are allergic to penicillin and cannot take doxycycline or tetracycline and who are not allergic to cephalosporins.
What is the follow-up care once I’ve been treated for syphilis?
You will monitor non-treponemal antibody titers over the next 12 months to assure that the infection is cleared.
If you are sexually active and have unprotected sex, your provider will recommend regular STI screening in addition to syphilis monitoring.
You will have follow up visits with your provider as directed to monitor your health and manage your response to treatment.